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Energy Auditing

Starting energy auditing for your facility is the right bath to take for improving your facility energy efficiency and track your energy consumption, finding energy wastes, and then reduce your energy consumption.

PowerAid it the right choice to start your energy auditing and providing you with the most feasible energy efficiency measures and solutions to improve your facility’s efficiency.

PowerAid carry deliver you a 15 years of experience in energy auditing around the world for commercial, industrial, healthcare, educational, and office buildings facilities, our professional team holding Certified Energy Manager CEM and Certified Energy Auditor CEA certificates to deliver the best service quality to meet your needs.

PowerAid energy auditing process starts with ASHREA Level 1 energy audits for overall evaluation for your facility and gathering general information and this is a FREE of charge service we give to our clients to start after that with the detailed energy auditing (ASHREA level 2 energy auditing), in detailed energy auditing we provide a deep analysis and measurements for all energy consumers in the facilities and deliver all energy conservation measures in a detailed energy audit report.

Our Certifications